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EBS Songbook Level One  Give It All – Hip Hop

Songbook Level One

Understanding the chart

Download and print out the score, so that you can refer to it as you follow the bass chart.

'Give It All'

Start by going through the chart, step by step, looking at each section and understanding what the chart is asking you to do.

Step One

The first thing you will see is the name of the tune, ‘Give It All’, and the name of the composer. The title is the important one as, if you had a number of songs to play, it is essential that you play the correct one!

Step Two

At the top left hand side, before the tune starts, you will see the note ‘4 Clicks’. This means that you will hear four clicks before the tune starts. This will help count you into the song.

Step Three

Next is the time signature ‘C’, which is the sign for ‘common time’ and means there are four beats in each bar. This is familiar territory for you.

Step Four

The beginning of the tune is the Introduction. You will see that the first four bars have whole note rests and, accordingly, there is nothing to play for the first four bars.

The bass comes in at bar 5 and plays eighth notes on the note of A, creating a very steady and solid rhythm. The Introduction goes on for a further eight bars and builds, as the guitar comes in, leading into the Chorus — the main theme of the tune.

Step Five

You are required to continue through the Chorus, with the same eighth note rhythm on A, until the eighth bar (bar 20). Here, you simply play a whole note, to take you into the first Verse.

Step Six

The tune now moves into the first Verse on A, continuing with a straight eighth note pattern.

The Verse is ten bars long and is largely straightforward. You just need to watch for the note changes, as the chord changes. In the third and eighth bars of the Verse (bars 23 and 28) the notes changes on beat four. The last bar of the Verse is a single whole note again. You will hear how the composer uses these to separate the different sections of the song.

Step Seven

After the first Verse, there is an eight bar Chorus. Note how the bass follows the chords closely at the end of the fifth bar through to the eight bar (bars 35 to 38). As well as A, you need to play, F, G, and D. This then takes you into a short Bridge section.

Step Eight

In the Bridge there are three bars of silence for the bass and then the bass comes back in on the fourth bar of the Bridge. It comes in here, as it builds with the drums, to develop the dynamic of the tune into the second Verse.

Step Nine

The second Verse is identical to the first and is, again, ten bars long. The structure of the song leads back into a final Chorus which, this time, is sixteen bars long — twice as long as before.

The tune is finished with a single whole note on A. As usual, you will see the word ‘Fine’ at the end of the final bar, signalling the end of the song.

Step Ten

As usual, listen to the multimedia files, and follow the bass chart through a couple of times.

Once you have done that, have a go yourself. You can play with the bass, or mute the bassist on the track so that you can play on your own. Remember to:

  1. Concentrate.
  2. Count.
  3. Look at the chart as you play.
  4. Cycle the difficult bits and practise them.
  5. Slow it down to a tempo at which you can read and play.
  6. Have fun!

Next: Give It All bass score