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EKS Lesson One  Keyboard orientation

Lesson Objectives

Figure 1. The Modern Keyboard   (Enlarge)

Figure 1. The Modern Keyboard.

Middle C is emboldened as a reference.

Figure 2. The musical stave introducing the note of A   (Enlarge)

Figure 2. The musical stave introducing the note of A.

Exercise 1. Playing A using Whole Notes

Exercise 1
Xtractor MIDI File Upload exercise to myGigajam Large stave

Exercise 2. Playing A using Half Notes

Exercise 2
Xtractor MIDI File Upload exercise to myGigajam Large stave

Figure 3. Introducing the black notes on the keyboard   (Enlarge)

Figure 3. Introducing the black notes on the keyboard

Figure 4. Chord of A   (Enlarge)

Figure 4. Chord of A

Exercise 3. Playing an Chord of A

Exercise 3
Xtractor MIDI File Upload exercise to myGigajam Large stave

Exercise 4. Playing the Chord of A using Half Notes

Exercise 4
Xtractor MIDI File Upload exercise to myGigajam Large stave

Exercise 5. Playing A, C# and E individually

Exercise 5
Xtractor MIDI File Upload exercise to myGigajam Large stave

Figure 5. Chord of G   (Enlarge)

Figure 5. Chord of G

Figure 6. Chord of G   (Enlarge)

Figure 6. Chord of G

Exercise 6. Playing the Chord of G

Exercise 6
Xtractor MIDI File Upload exercise to myGigajam Large stave

Exercise 7. Changing Chords (using A and G)

Exercise 7
Xtractor MIDI File Upload exercise to myGigajam Large stave

Figure 7. Quarter Notes   (Enlarge)

Figure 7. Quarter Notes.

Exercise 8. Playing Quarter Notes using Chords of A and G

Exercise 8
Xtractor MIDI File Upload exercise to myGigajam Large stave

Exercise 9. Study One

Exercise 9
Xtractor MIDI File Upload exercise to myGigajam Large stave